「嘉南平原」與「烏山頭水庫」正遭遇天大浩劫,但是搶救烏山頭水庫行動歷經三年多的努力相關單位還是聽不到、看不到,為避免垃圾水污染烏山頭水庫,環保團體將集結萬人,以「萬信齊發」行動,對與開發案有關之公部門陳情,透過email及打電話的方式共同為搶救「烏山頭水庫」盡心盡力,陳情信邀請專人翻譯共有中、日、英三種版本。記者會現場安排代表朗誦,並說明萬人發信方式,同時公佈過年”苦行祈福搶救烏山頭水庫” 系列活動,邀請全台各地民間NGO團體支援,行腳範圍包括台南市、台南縣新營市、東山鄉、官田鄉等地,希望過年能拼出成績。
”萬信齊發—搶救烏山頭水庫”活動採取柔性的書信陳情,設計簡單的發信方式,每一個人都可以參與,希望結合民眾力量共同表達我們堅決反對烏山頭水庫集水區旁設置事業廢棄物掩埋場的決心,希望穿破公部門僵固不通的迷障,力促撤銷不當掩埋場設置,以保住烏山頭水庫不受污染,信件將置於台南環盟網站上,並公佈相關單位email及電話,行動方式:1.標題打上: 拒喝毒水 搶救烏山頭水庫 2.拷貝公開信:中英日文版3.寄信到相關單位:總統府、行政院、環保署、環保署廢管處、內政部、內政部營建署、經濟部、經濟部水利署、行政院農委會、農田水利處、農田水利聯合會、嘉南農田水利會、台南市政府、台南縣政府、嘉義縣政府、民進黨及國民黨中央及台南地方黨部、日本在台協會等,網址為:http://teputnbr.ngo.org.tw,歡迎下載連結及廣為宣傳。
◆舉辦台南縣市苦行活動,分別邀請台南大學環境與生態學院鄭先祐院長、台灣生態學會創會會長陳玉峰教授擔任1/25及2/13的榮譽領隊,並由搶救烏山頭水庫台南發起團體擔任領隊,帶領民眾在靜默嚴肅的行伍中,透過雙腳體驗身體與環境結合的意義,期能喚起更多人關心水資源與環境的問題,當日將派代表遞交陳情信給縣市政府及水利會,213下午舉辦東山鄉嶺南村環境巡禮,將安排專車帶領民眾到現場進行地質環境勘查,歡迎預約報名,電話:06-3363751,email: teputnbr@ms13.hinet.net。
場次 125台南市苦行 213台南縣苦行
時間 1/25 上午9:30-11:30 2/13上午9:30-11:30
集合 南門公園廣場 台南縣文化中心
領隊 台南大學環境與生態學院鄭先祐院長(榮譽領隊)
台南市環境保護聯盟黃安調理事長 主婦聯盟環境保護基金會顏美娟董事長
路線 南門公園→南門路→水利會→湯德章紀念公園→中正路→西門路→府前路→市政府 台南縣文化中心→中正路→圓環→中山路→延平路→民權路→三民路→信義路→→縣政府
新聞聯絡人:邱春華 06-3363751 0972032208 0960075327
萬信齊發 一萬份の手紙を一齊に發送 日文版
「永揚」と「南盛隆」の二個の掩埋場は活動頻繁な「牛稠子」斷層帶にあり,又,工業研究院の資料によればその地域の烏山頭は傾斜し,地層構造は烏山頭ダムの方向に傾斜しています。若しゴミガ埋められたら滲透した污水は必ず地層に沿って,又碎裂帶からダムの中に流れこみます。每日1千噸を超過するゴミガ山の樣に堆積して,污水が集中して,地下に漏水,污染を擴散します。長期間たてば必ずダムは「桃園毒龍潭」ダムになります。過去の「高雄後勁」と「彰化のかドミワム米事件」のくり返しガ發生するに違いありません。その時になってから後悔しでも遲すぎます, 私達の社會は絕對に,この結果を受け入れる事が出來ません!
一、 開發機關の偽造文書によって環境評價を通過させた事は,既に台南地方檢察署に起訴されので,その犯罪行為を公表し,そして掩埋場設置を撤廢して下さい。
二、 掩埋廢棄物の成分は複雜多樣で烏山頭ダムに對する危害は非常に大きく,その毒性を公表すべきです。そしてゴミを埋める事を禁止すべきです。
三、 掩埋場區域の地下水の位置は,極めて高く掩埋廢棄物の影響は憂慮にたえません。それで環境評價の法規を改正し,明確に報告規格を制定して惡質な開發案が,まぎれて通過するのを防止すべきです。
四、 掩埋場區域の地質資料によればすべての地下水は烏山頭ダムに向って,流れて行っている事を顯著に示しています,環境保護署は地下水の流出方向を特別事業案として,專門に調查を進めるべきです。
五、 水源區域の解除と再編制は既に水質惡化の原因になっており,既に政府の環境評價設定の政策に違反しています。その故に更めて檢討すべきであり,及び水源區域の回復編制の策略を強化すべきです。
Show Our Determination to Oppose the Landfills 萬信齊發 英文版
An Open Letter on the Water Source of Wushantou Reservoir
Dear Sir:
For rescuing the Wushantou Reservoir and refusing poisoned water, ten thousand of the people who are determined to protect the water will gather together and give you this letter to show our determination to oppose the landfills locating near the watershed of Wushantou Reservoir. In 2001, because the development organization tried to use tricks of forging, cheating, threatening, luring, and forcing, and also because of some muddleheaded governments and careless commissioners, the environmental impact assessment (EIA) of the installation of Yongyang and Nanshenglong landfills for industrial wastes near the watershed of Wushantou Reservoir had been passed. Once the wastes enter the landfills, the beautiful and clean water source of Wushantou Reservoir certainly will be polluted. The water of Wushantou Reservoir must not be able to be used for drinking and irrigation. Yoichi Hatta, the founder of Wushantou Reservoir, might have been crying with sadness if he were intelligent in the heaven. For the right of million people in Tainan area to use the water, for the safety of agricultural products produced in the Jianan Plain, and also for the sustainability of underground water, we want to make a serious petition to you and your subordinate competent authorities. Please revoke the permission for landfills. Please don't let Wushantou Reservoir be polluted by dirty garbage water!
Yongyang and Nanshenglong landfills locate in the area of active Niuchouzi Fault. The data of Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) has proved that the stratigraphical structure of Wushantou syncline is to tilt toward the direction of Wushantou Reservoir. Once the garbage enter the landfills, the dirty water will infiltrate through the stratum or shattered zone and flow into the reservoir. Every day, more than thousand tons of garbage pile the landfills one on top of the other. Dirty water gathers and permeates through the underground and spreads the pollution to the reservoir. In the long run, the reservoir will become another example like poisoned lake in Taoyuan, Polluted Houjin in Kaohsiung , or cadmium-poisoned rice event in Jhanghua. It will be too late to regret when the calamity really happens. At that time, our society will not be able to bear the tragic result.
Because the government organizations, from local to central governments, treat this case with a passive and avoidant attitude, we are very disappointed. Now, we have to try to voice our concern from the grass roots of people. We hope the government can listen to us carefully.
1. The development organization of the landfills was suspected of forging documents for misleading the EIA review. They are already prosecuted by Tainan District Prosecutors Office. The government should announce their crimes and cancel the permission of landfills.
2. The components of wastes in the landfills are very complicated and very hazardous to the reservoir. The government should make public the toxicity and prohibit the entry of garbage.
3. The underground water level in the area of the location of landfills is quite high. The consequence will be very serious if the wastes really enter these landfills. The government should revise the EIA rules, clearly regulating the standards of reports , preventing the lousy development cases from muddling through.
4. The geological data demonstrate that the underground water at the sites of landfills flows toward the reservoir. The Environmental Protection Administration should make a special survey concerning the flow direction of the underground water.
5. The lifting of the development restriction in the water-supply area is the main cause of the lowering of water quality level. It totally violates the standards set by the government. The government must review the policy and enforce the strategy of re-imposing the restriction in the water-supply area.
To make the people live in safety is the most basic duty and obligation of the government. This is the humblest wish of the people! To protect this land against being polluted, to save the water of Wushantou reservoir, we cannot hesitate anymore. The authority in power cannot shirk the responsibility!